Anniversary Feast
Anniversary Feast

Anniversary Feast


From the people that brought Sydney Fratelli Paradiso, 10 William Street sits inside a converted storefront in the most boutique of boutique shopping strips in Paddington. Given that Paddington has declined since its hey-day back in the '90s as Sydney's groundbreaking dining and drinking scene, 10 William Street is proof that there's still life in Paddington yet, and gives you a very welcome reason to pay a visit.

Stripped back and simple, 10 William Street is blessedly free of pretention - there are white walls, naked lightbulbs, a wooden counter and a big chalkboard advertising the entire wine list. While the selection of drinks is vast enough to satisfy the most seasoned connaisseurs, those who feel at a loss when it comes to swilling and sniffing bouquets will also be at home in this comfortable bar. The staff are friendly, happy to recommend and even offer you a taste test before you invest in the whole bottle of wine, and then perhaps suggest the perfect thing to nibble on. You're well advised to do just this, given the excellent Italian sharing plates on offer, as well as more substantial meals if you feel like making a night of it.

If you want real intimacy try and to snag the small alcove upstairs or the balcony overlooking the Paddington Inn. But even if you don't, 10 William Street is the kind of bar that sometimes feel thin on the ground in Sydney, and will be the kind of place you return to again and again.


Venue Location

Gahana Pokhari Marg, Kathmandu 44600




Ticket Price:
